Author: Amanda Grey

  • OER Assessment Rubric

    Priorities Research OER assessment resources currently available Outline key features of researched resources that could be used in the BC OER assessment rubrics Outline permissions process Ideas The rubric will need to be used in partnership with faculty as making decisions as to whether the content is viable requires a more in-depth knowledge of how…

  • OER Poster

    Context for building the OER Poster at the BCOER Hackfest: This is the page for OER Poster for advocating OER to BC faculty and for awareness building. This poster addresses: What is Open/OER?; What type of resources are OER? Why should faculty care? What are benefits for students? Some stats needed relevant to BC context.…

  • OER Professional Development for Librarians

    Open Education Resources: Librarians, Leadership and Opportunity Agenda Venue: Douglas College New West campus has offered a nice space for our use.Targetting 60 people/ No chargeDate: Monday Oct 27th, 2014, 12 Noon – 4 pm A lunch (sponsored by BCcampus) will be served from Noon to 12:30 pm. The program will begin at 12:30 pm. Purpose/Outcomes: Provide an…

  • OER Reuse and Licensing Information

    Priorities: Research tutorials, guides, and other information sources on rights and licensing considerations around re-use of OER and list them below Objective is to pool together information that we’ve found useful, with the intention of leveraging it to address similar OER issues/concerns in the resources we develop Focus here is on resources that help to…

  • BCOER Web Presence

    The BCOER public web site is – to be the formal public facing site for BCOER; acknowledge support by BCcampus and members and to share our materials/resources and info on events, PDWho maintains the content on open? BCcampus staff with the help of a BCOER professional library studentCurrent plan for the BCOER web pages…

  • OER Initiatives for Faculty

    Priorities: Research OER initiatives that might be of interest to faculty (e.g., BC Textbooks) and list them below Objective is to pool our knowledge of such initiatives, with intention of eventually developing a resource for librarians and faculty

  • Project Ideas – January 2014

    OER Guides Note: these are just some guiding questions. Please add to this list and or create new threads. What is the current state of finding quality OER ? Discoverability not easy Find material through google searching appears easy but the content is not vetted for content type, quality, or use (e.g. Can the content…